Quality and Performance

Quality cost is basically the ones that can help to prevent the customer from future failures and even more to prevent waste of material, time and money.

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Prevention Cost:

Finish Line does not count with a prevention cost in a high level because since is a retail store they only get the shoes from its suppliers and if something happens with the design that is something they cannot anything about it, now we can say when it comes to training the employees they are training not only to give a good customer service but also they have been training to grow in the store giving a good example if something happens with a customer and the manager is not at the store the next person in charge is the Assistant Manager which will have the same qualities and skills as a manager has and from that they can solve any situation preventing the cost of losing a customer.

Appraisal Cost:

Finish Line does not manufacture the products so the cost of the appraisal is very light because they do not have to check the products before shipping to the final destination which are the FL stores that is something that the suppliers have to check before sending the product.

Internal Failure Cost:

FN does have any control over that, the only thing that they can do when a product has a defect is to give them back to the suppliers so they can fix them and return them or exchange them for a new product. 

External Failure Cost:

FN make sure that all the products are in perfect condition before it goes out to the eye of the customer, with this prevention they have a low dissatisfied customer.

Ethical Failure Cost:

FL does not manage this type of cost that is considered more like back office within the supplier and the internal customer by passing the defective product to them, by putting in danger the well-being of them as a big company.

Prevention Cost is the more important cost that Finish Line takes into consideration since if they do not pay attention, it will decrease the performance of the employees and moreover, they will lose customers, not only having a good team but also making sure that the products are in perfect conditions before going out to the market. 

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